June 20, 2008

Rock N Roll Hall of Fame!

Sheetz took me to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! It was fun. Since I've been there longer than 3 years, I was awarded a certificate and a sweet Sheetz pen :) They took us to the Hard Rock Cafe down there and had lunch for us and then we went to the Hall of Fame. It was really nice. I mean, I enjoyed it. I love music and seeing all that stuff was so intriguing and inspirational for me. Most people, though, weren't that interested and just sped through the whole thing. I would have had more fun though if I was just with Pat. I would have been able to take my time and just relax walking through. Even though we had hours to walk through, I felt rushed and either I walked alone and didn't talk to anyone or I skipped through to stay caught up. And I didn't want to be alone! I wanted to talk and be like "Oh wow, look at this!" But I guess music isn't for everybody, because most of them didn't care. But it was nice. Next time I think they should take us to Cedar Point!

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